Monday, June 14, 2010

Last day at Paws Up

Sunday was my last full day here, and we had a nature hike scheduled for 10 AM. Paulette (my new friend from ProTravel in Beverly Hills) and I got to the Wilderness Center after another great breakfast and met our guide, Dean. We went by van and were dropped off at a trail head about a mile from the center. We hadn't been walking for very long when I heard a branch snap, we stopped, and I saw a big black bear, and then another smaller, cinnamon bear....we were able to watch them run off for a few seconds and were thrilled with the sighting! The wildflowers along the trail were gorgeous and in full bloom. The weather was perfect for a hike, warm and sunny. We walked the trail though woods and fields, and at another brief stop, I looked down and saw some "poop"...I asked Dean what he thought left it, and he said, Mountain Lion...I'm counting that as an animal sighting! We then saw a mother turkey and her brood of chicks, and a coyote not too far from them. After 2 hours we were almost done with our hike, and as we waited for the van to pick us up, a bald eagle flew above us. All in all a very successful nature hike! I spent the rest of the afternoon reading a book and getting my last bit of relaxation of my vacation. Monday is a long travel day and it's back to work first thing Tuesday morning. I am very pleased with everything at Paws Up. From the electric vehicles available for visitors to use, to the no plastic bottles policy, to the extremely attentive staff, this resort will be highly recommended by me for a long time to come. Make sure to take the opportunity to visit this most beautiful "Last Best Place".

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