Friday, August 14, 2009

Travel Mart

We are all getting ready to attend this years Virtuoso mega meeting, Travel Mart, at the Bellagio hotel in Las Vegas. In addition to the many training meetings, we will be meeting with all the top suppliers of luxury travel, from the world over. We have a few tables to tend, and the suppliers each have 4 minutes to present their product to us...we will see approximately 1500 different suppliers over 4 days, in 4 minute intervals. This includes cruise lines, tour companies, hotel and resort properties, private jets, private car companies, and all the myriad suppliers to the luxury travel industry. Breakfast meetings start at 6:45 AM- supplier meetings are from 8-12, then 2-5, with a business meeting lunch in between. Cocktails start at 6 PM, then formal dinners from 8-10. Sleep is a precious commodity.
The amount of information we get is overwhelming, but fortunately, Virtuoso posts spec sheets from each supplier on a private website so we can have access to all the information we will need in the future to be able to make well informed recommendations to all our clients. This is a real opportunity to meet some of our suppliers face to face. So much of the time they are just a voice on an international phone call.
Personally, I go to bed each night at 8:30 PM, so I miss a lot of the dinner extravaganza's, and I never get to go to any of the Vegas shows, but I trade that for feeling decent in the morning. I will be sure to post info on any spectacular or new travel opportunities we learn about.
In the meantime, we will be operating with a skeleton crew in the office this week. Be patient with us...we'll come back with great recommendations for your holiday travel plans!

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