Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tehnology Marketing University 2011

I am sitting in a class to learn how to be a better travel blogger. Andy Hayes and Trisha Miller are our instructors today...both avid bloggers. I should go home with lot's of homework and lessons on how to do this better. Here we go!
How many of you read blogs? How about my blog? Is this blog pertinent to you? Is it succesful for me? And what are the alternatives to blogging? How do we measure the succes of a blog? By the number of comments? By the number of phone calls or emails? Or by the ranking by Google?
I good thing is this blog is linked to our website, so I hope reading this will lead you to read our website content. I also post our quarterly newsletter on our website and link that to this blog, my Facebook pages, my Twitter you go to that link and read the newsletter? Is a blog worth the time and effort?
I tend to post info on cruises, properties and specific trips that someone in our office had recently been on...including photos when possible. I hope this content is timely and accurate.
I have recently used guest bloggers. Colleagues that have been on a fabulous trip and have written a really comprehesive message that I couldn't possibly do. I think that for Post Haste Travel we should do that more often. You will get to know our advisors better by the vacations they take on their own or with groups. I will post cruises by our advisors that are Virtuoso Voyager Club Hosts to get their percpective...I will post the many experiences our Africa and Safari advisors and clients have...with pictures...and if you have any questions wbout any of this, it's important that you comment so I can know if I'm doing this right. So, I'm going back to listening to my instructors right now. Let me know what you think!

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