Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Virtuoso Life magazine

Todays' blog is straight from this issue of Virtuoso Life Magazine. Here are ten questions to ask yourself about your next dream vacation. Get advice from your Virtuoso travel agent.

  1. What's the dream destination at the top of your wish list?
  2. Which island escape allures you?
  3. What the most enticing cruise itinerary you'd set sail for?
  4. What's your perfect family vacation destination?
  5. What's the most romantic city to explore with someone you love?
  6. In which gourmet city do you most want to linger over a meal?
  7. Which wine region do you most want to toast?
  8. What's your idea of a great outdoor adventure?
  9. Where would you go to expand your horizons?
  10. Can you imagine your trip of a lifetime?

Call us at Post Haste Travel for details to arrange your trip of a lifetime, no matter the budget. 800-881-7690 or email Sylvia@posthastetravel.com

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