Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Use caution when traveling

http://tinyurl.com/28txe2- Link to US Department of State Travel Warning to Mexico.

I was thinking of the above warning the State Department has issued for travel to Mexico, and realized that it's almost unfair to issue this particular warning. Most of Mexico is safe. And beautiful, and relaxing. There are small pockets that are dangerous, and just as in any US city, you wouldn't want to go there. But the government must issue these warnings. Just as they have for Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Israel, Mauritius and other destinations. We at Post Haste Travel have clients visiting all these places right now. Yes, including Iran and Iraq. They are a very adventurous group, and make a point of seeing all of the world, good and bad. Now, you may not be that brave, but it does make the point that if you are careful, and have good tour guides and good tour companies smoothing the way, that you really can go anywhere. So think about how badly you want to see the world and what you are willing to do for that opportunity. Remember to avoid dangerous locations, no matter where they are. There are parts of Miami I wouldn't venture into. Use the internet to plan your visit, or call us for suggestions and reservations with top rate, secure travel suppliers. Happy trails!

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